Your work on BARpod was incredible and you will be missed! I’m excited to see what you do next.
Also, in a superficial aside, your picture looks incredibly close to how I pictured you in my head (though the Trace in my head had a bit of a goth/punk thing going on, a la Hayden Christensen in Life as a House).
My best friend got railroaded out of Air Traffic Controller academy for 6 years after getting a 4.0 in an undergrad program. He finally got in when they reversed course. Your work is important and makes a difference, keep going 💪
Hey Jack, I'm touched to see the shoutout to Manifest, and to learn of the role our little conference played in your rationale for unmasking. Excited to meet you in Berkeley this summer, and I'm sure that a bunch of great opportunities will be coming your way.
(I'm also a tiny bit sad that from now on, one of my favorite homages to the Enderverse will be less present; I've loved seeing the pseudonym and recalling the story behind it, since the SSC days.)
I can't believe it! We talked about it last year but it feels so surreal to see you actually do it. Reading this, I was sad to realize I had totally forgotten what you looked like 😭 I hope we'll see each other again soon!
Thanks for all you've poured into BARpod. For awhile I thought you were an older female researcher named Tracy Woodgrace (that's what it sounds like when Katie says it at the bottom of the episode), and was taken aback when I finally put the pieces together on Reddit lol. It took a minute to let go of my mental image of a quiet 50-something bespectacled woman who defected from NPR, but once I accepted that you were a furry ex-Mormon with a heart of gold, I was sold.
I've benefitted greatly from all the hard work you've put into the podcast, and the thoughtful responses you've given listeners online. I don't actually know you, but somehow I'll still miss you. Good luck with this next leg of the journey!
Fuck me but I thought Trace Underwood was your real name. I’ve had the privilege of knowing quite a few Mormons in my business (also law), and I could definitely see them naming a kid that. Religion appears not to be for either of us, but every one of those lawyers were outstanding advocates, people, and Americans, and I’m a better one of all those for having learned from them.
And either one of those names could have been chosen by Dashiell Hammett or Raymond Chandler for a hard-boiled detective.
Jack Despain is a fantastic name -- definite protagonist vibes.
One of my favorite name-connected memories was when the guy interviewing me for my TS clearance told me it sounded like a detective name.
I’m very fond of it.
I like it too, especially after seeing the French spelling. Very fancy.
It’s very post apocalyptic knight-errant.
This was very heartwarming to read. I hope you’re successful at whatever comes next :)
Your work on BARpod was incredible and you will be missed! I’m excited to see what you do next.
Also, in a superficial aside, your picture looks incredibly close to how I pictured you in my head (though the Trace in my head had a bit of a goth/punk thing going on, a la Hayden Christensen in Life as a House).
My best friend got railroaded out of Air Traffic Controller academy for 6 years after getting a 4.0 in an undergrad program. He finally got in when they reversed course. Your work is important and makes a difference, keep going 💪
Farewell, sweet Trace, with the very best of wishes for your personal and professional endeavors.
Actually incredibly handsome! Thanks for your BARpod contributions
Hey Jack, I'm touched to see the shoutout to Manifest, and to learn of the role our little conference played in your rationale for unmasking. Excited to meet you in Berkeley this summer, and I'm sure that a bunch of great opportunities will be coming your way.
(I'm also a tiny bit sad that from now on, one of my favorite homages to the Enderverse will be less present; I've loved seeing the pseudonym and recalling the story behind it, since the SSC days.)
It will still be the name of my blog and my Twitter handle! I’m not going to abandon it by any means.
Excited for Manifest!
I can't believe it! We talked about it last year but it feels so surreal to see you actually do it. Reading this, I was sad to realize I had totally forgotten what you looked like 😭 I hope we'll see each other again soon!
Nice work Trace, we appreciate you
You're an interesting guy and a great storyteller. It's going to be exciting to see what you get up to next! Best of luck!
You’ll be missed - but good luck on this new chapter in your life!
You're one of the good ones, Trace. <3
Godspeed Trace. I'll miss your voice in the Barpod world, but I look forward to watching as you move beyond the den into your own.
Thanks for all you've poured into BARpod. For awhile I thought you were an older female researcher named Tracy Woodgrace (that's what it sounds like when Katie says it at the bottom of the episode), and was taken aback when I finally put the pieces together on Reddit lol. It took a minute to let go of my mental image of a quiet 50-something bespectacled woman who defected from NPR, but once I accepted that you were a furry ex-Mormon with a heart of gold, I was sold.
I've benefitted greatly from all the hard work you've put into the podcast, and the thoughtful responses you've given listeners online. I don't actually know you, but somehow I'll still miss you. Good luck with this next leg of the journey!
P.S.- You have a great face.
Goodbye and good luck!
Fuck me but I thought Trace Underwood was your real name. I’ve had the privilege of knowing quite a few Mormons in my business (also law), and I could definitely see them naming a kid that. Religion appears not to be for either of us, but every one of those lawyers were outstanding advocates, people, and Americans, and I’m a better one of all those for having learned from them.
And either one of those names could have been chosen by Dashiell Hammett or Raymond Chandler for a hard-boiled detective.